One, my staff and I are brainstorming and preparing several Wine Country Inn guest food and wine events for this fall. These will (we hope!) be different, fun, and introduce you to new wines, foods, and people you otherwise wouldn't have met while visiting the Napa Valley. Again, more info to come shortly....
And two, here's something fun that could turn into something BIG: a Wine Country film production company, Susan and Wayne Boyer of Twin Brain Productions, are attemptin
g to produce what they call a non-scripted reality show about life here in Wine Country. They've lined up three wineries/vineyard management companies, have spent several days filming, and now are producing what's called a "sizzle reel" -- a 5- to 7-minute video which they'll use to promote the show and the concept to the big cable execs back East (or wherever those big cable execs hang out). If Susan and Wayne get the "green light" on the project, called Crush, they'll begin production almost immediately and plan to produce 5-7 episodes, sort of a year-in-the-life-of-a-winemaker/vineyard manager type thing. And little birds have whispered into my ear that if the series gets picked up, the Wine Country Inn has already been scouted out and approved for some sort of filming/shots. Wouldn't that be fun, some filming here? Why, I might even have to get a facial from the spa ladies beforehand! Anyway, stay tuned....

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